With the Master's degree program in Medical Systems Engineering, the University of Magdeburg offers students the opportunity to develop new systems and procedures for research and application in medicine. Pauline Mothes is now in her third semester of Medical Systems Engineering. One of the reasons she chose the master's program was the Tissue Engineering working group, which has been active at Magdeburg University since November 2018.
The student initiative "FlaR" offers a racing bike rental service that is not only aimed at students. Anyone interested in road cycling can borrow a bike for up to 3 months and then pedal hard. The feedback from the rental service has been consistently positive so far and shows that the demand is there.
Pizza, packages, movies - in our time we can have everything at any time, especially if we live in the city. Many needs can and should be satisfied in the shortest possible time. This is especially true in cities. For many services and products, we don't even have to leave our homes. But how does this actually work? Service companies, or rather their employees, are not waiting to bring us our packages right now. Or to deliver that one chip from the supermarket to our doorstep that we're craving right now. Because it can hardly be economical. Nevertheless, there are now many companies that offer this.
In Magdeburg's Port of Science, an urban medical technology high-tech center will be created in the coming years. Initiated by the STIMULATE research campus of the University of Magdeburg, the transfer of medical technology research and new technologies from university science to industry will be organized there. Research findings can quickly find their way into the regional economy due to the immediate proximity to start-ups and spin-offs.
What happens when a book falls off a table? Why can we ride a bicycle? Why does the earth revolve around the sun? All of this can be explained physically, because the laws of nature accompany us every second of our lives and form the basis for understanding our world. This makes it all the more important to get young people excited about STEM subjects - mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology. With this goal in mind, the "Physics Marathon 2023" started for the first time on May 22, 2023.
Via the introduction of electricity (2.0) and the use of electronics and IT (3.0), the transformation of industry is now leading to the Industrial Revolution 4.0 - characterized by intelligent, self-organizing plants and machines. Together with companies from the mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and software industries, Prof. Christian Diedrich's group is working in the "Industrial Digital Twin Association" founded in 2021.

The degree in the bag - and now? Stay here or leave? This question is often difficult to answer. Support is available at the University of Magdeburg on June 21, 2023, on the Unicampus at the "JobsHere" job fair. University graduate Christian Wustrau also met his employer regiocom in Magdeburg here. The 25-year-old came to Magdeburg after graduating from high school to complete first his bachelor's and then his master's degree in computer science at the university. Now he works as a software developer in Magdeburg.
For some months now, artificial intelligences have been causing a stir and discussions, such as the AI model ChatGPT. With the opportunities also comes concerns about dangers. The public and politicians are demanding rules for data protection aspects, fundamental rights issues and discrimination. In an interview, AI expert Jun.-Prof. Siegert talks about the dangers, possible regulations, but also what opportunities AI-based programs offer.
In the student magazine "tja?!", students take a critical look at major topics once a semester. The idea for the magazine came about at the end of 2020 as part of a project module. In the meantime, the third issue has already been published, which deals with the topic of power. The team is still looking for contributors so that the next issue, "Social Inequality & Injustice," can be published independently.
A stay abroad not only looks good on your resume. The experiences and adventures leave their mark on you for a lifetime. That's why Magdeburg University offers students and employees many opportunities to discover other countries - whether in Europe or around the world. One who has taken advantage of these is Merle Gorial. She is currently in South Korea to spend a semester abroad.