An automation system for the robotics lab

13.08.2024 -  

A delegation from Otto von Guericke University (OVGU) in Magdeburg was also invited to the celebrations in Havelberg to mark the 25th anniversary of the Student Institute for Technology and Applied Computer Science (SITI e.V.). Representatives of the Chair of Engineering Education and Didactics of Technical Education traveled to Havelberg together with Prof. Dr. Hartmut Zadek, Head of the Industrial Engineering and Logistics course. In keeping with the occasion, Prof. Zadek presented a technical "gift". He symbolically handed over a first module from a Fischertechnik automation system and a gift certificate to Dr. Hannes König, Chairman of the Schüler-Institut SITI e.V. association and teacher at Diesterweg-Gymnasium in Havelberg. The surprise was a success and the joy was great - Dr.-Ing. König had already built this system 23 years ago with three pupils in a 3D simulation. The entire system, consisting of around 30 modules and a gantry crane, is due to be handed over soon. The new system will be built in the robot construction laboratory of the Schüler-Institut with the support of Hannes König's technology courses at Diesterweg-Gymnasium and a modular control system will be developed with interested students.


Every year, innovative ideas, new product developments from the six technology-oriented student companies and small research projects, which are often created in cooperation with companies, are presented, evaluated by jurors and awarded prizes at the SITI e.V. student company and inventor fair. The first results of the new automation system will certainly also be on display at next year's fair.


The SITI and OVGU have been working together successfully since the association was founded: Dr.-Ing. König prepares pupils for technical studies as part of his technology lessons at Havelberger Gymnasium and, in particular, through extracurricular individual support at the Schüler-Institut. Hannes König also works as a lecturer at the OVGU in teacher training for the subject of technology.

Hartmut Zadek expressed his thanks for the many years of good cooperation and emphasized the great importance of such extracurricular learning locations and other STEM initiatives for future engineering students. It is important to give pupils the opportunity to get to know technology and natural sciences not only in theory as part of their school curriculum, but also to work on practical applications with support.


author: Judith Zadek

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