Sustainability meets sport: new multifunctional sports complex with integrated PV system

16.12.2024 -  

How can sports areas in need of renovation be converted into modern sports facilities that meet the current challenges in sports space planning using a holistic approach? The university also asked itself this question for its six artificial turf tennis courts. Over the past few months, three of them have now been fitted with a multifunctional sports surface that can be used all year round. Two of them were also given a wooden roof, so that sports activities are not restricted even when it is raining or dark and the year-round range of sports on offer, especially in the area of sports teaching and research, has been significantly expanded. The roofing not only offers the opportunity to install an appropriate LED lighting system, but also to install various video and measurement technology for research projects. In addition, an underground infiltration system was installed to reuse the rainwater produced. An annual yield of 150,000 kWh of clean energy can be forecast for the photovoltaic system installed on the roof area of around 1,400 m².

Eröffnung Multifunktionssportanlage Willingmann (c) Jana Dünnhaupt
Minister of Science Prof. Dr. Armin Willingmann serves the opening of the new multifunctional sports facility. (Photo: Jana Dünnhaupt)


At the beginning of December 2024, Minister of Science Prof. Dr. Armin Willingmann opened the new multifunctional sports facility behind Sports Hall 3 together with Rector Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Strackeljan and Chancellor Angela Matthies. “Anyone who studies and trains their mind diligently sometimes needs a physical balance. That's why university sports are an important part of university life. The new sports facility combines sport and inclusion with the generation of renewable energy. We were happy to financially support this sustainable project of the University of Magdeburg in many respects,” emphasized Minister Willingmann. The costs of the multifunctional sports facility amount to around 1 million euros.


The canopy

Two squares were permanently covered by a saddle roof construction. The supporting structure was erected on point foundations on an area of 36 x 36 meters. The roof was covered with trapezoidal panels. The ridge runs above the existing tennis nets. The circumferential eaves with a height of 6 meters allow for an open sports atmosphere. The structural supports were erected within the existing fencing systems so that these did not have to be dismantled or replaced.

PV-Anlage auf dem Dach der Multifunktionssportanlage (c) Clemens Klein

Photovoltaic system on a roof area of around 1,400 m²  (Photo: Clemens Klein)


The sports floor

The sports floor structure was newly developed. The innovative flooring system was installed floating on the existing substrate, with the existing structure serving as a base layer and therefore as a foundation. There was no need to remove the existing material or dispose of it as hazardous waste, which would have been costly. The thin system structure saved material and therefore costs. Thanks to the floating installation, the recyclable system can be easily dismantled and is therefore particularly environmentally friendly and sustainable.

The courts were given a colored synthetic surface. The structure of the surface was chosen so that both tennis and other sports activities are possible. The corresponding lines and mobile sports equipment allow for great flexibility of use. The surface system is particularly hard-wearing and requires very little maintenance.

The benefit

The conversion of the two tennis courts into two OPENCOURT courts will have numerous positive effects for the university and its athletes:

  • The covered sports surfaces massively increase the usage time. With an average of 9 rainy days per month in the summer months, it is still possible to play reliably. Training can continue even in bad weather.
  • The integrated LED lighting system allows play to continue at any time of day. The pitches were normally unused during the winter months. Thanks to the conversion, they can now be used all year round, which is a considerable advantage, especially for sports training at the Institute of Sports Science.
  • The additional facilities are also attractive for sports enthusiasts from cooperating clubs.
  • The concept also provides for multifunctional use for other sports besides tennis. This enables reliable planning of usage times, for research and teaching as well as for cooperation, for example with schools in the surrounding area, or the establishment of other sports groups and offers, e.g. wheelchair tennis. The Faculty of Human Sciences is involved in research and teaching on the integration of people with disabilities, which opens up further research potential.
  • The roof construction enables the installation of sports equipment (basketball hoops, etc.) as well as media and analysis technology to support modern research and training operations.
  • By equipping the roof with PV modules, a contribution is made to the energy transition. Especially in urban areas, large roof areas can contribute to energy generation. The energy generated can contribute to the development and expansion of the urban charging infrastructure in addition to covering the company's own needs.


Last Modification: 03.03.2025 - Contact Person: