Clean solar power directly into the socket

10.07.2024 -  

With the construction of photovoltaic systems on the Barleben campus, the university has taken a further step towards implementing its 2020 energy concept (in German) and achieving greater climate neutrality. At the beginning of the year, a PV system was installed on the roof of the hall of the Institute for Competence in AutoMobility IKAM (in German) .It has an output of 70 kWp. A ground-mounted PV system with an output of 880 kWp was also installed on the site. For this, 2,500 modules with an area of 4,800 m2 were installed. This accounts for 25 percent of the area.

Together with the existing PV system on the roof of the Center for Method Development CMD (in German), this will provide the site with around 1 MWp of photovoltaic power. Most of the energy produced will be consumed in the CMD, the new data center and by IKAM, covering around 30 percent of the new data center's high energy requirements.

The construction of a new data center in Barleben will create an additional node in the science network of the state of Saxony-Anhalt. This can be used by the state's universities as a redundant location for data backup, but also in particular for outsourcing services (e.g. cloud storage). The primary partners of the new node are the Harz and Magdeburg-Stendal universities and Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg. Thanks to the state electricity contract with 100 percent green electricity and the generation of climate-neutral electricity by the PV systems, the new data center in Barleben will be operated sustainably to a large extent. Completion of the new data center is planned for the end of 2025.

Last Modification: 03.03.2025 - Contact Person: