Medical technology research highlights presented in Brussels

14.11.2024 -  

The STIMULATE research campus at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg presented pioneering developments in magnetic resonance therapy medical technology at the “Medtech Innovations from Magdeburg, GER” event. The event, to which experts from science, industry and EU authorities were invited, took place at the Representation of the State of Saxony-Anhalt to the EU in Brussels.

The opening speech was given by Carmen Johannsen, Head of the Saxony-Anhalt Representation to the EU. In his subsequent keynote speech, Thomas Wünsch, State Secretary in the Ministry of Science, Energy, Climate Protection and the Environment of the State of Saxony-Anhalt, emphasized the importance of medical technology for the region and highlighted the innovative strength of Magdeburg as a research location.


 Impulsvortrag Wünsch in Brüssel (c) Landesvertretung

Keynote speech by State Secretary Thomas Wünsch in Brussels. (Photo: Representation of Saxony-Anhalt)


Prof. Dr. Georg Rose then presented an overview of STIMULATE activities and results to date and Prof. Dr. Oliver Speck presented the latest advances in interventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The focus was on the numerous innovations developed at the research campus in the field of MRI-guided interventions, which aim to bring this form of therapy into clinical routine and significantly improve clinical care for an ageing society.

Dr. Stefan Röll, CEO of Neoscan Solutions GmbH, which is also a partner in the STIMULATE research campus, presented his innovative MRI for very young children and thrilled the audience with the news that he had been commissioned by the Dutch government to develop the main component of the world's first human 14 Tesla MRI. The head of the Dutch consortium, Prof. D.G. David Norris from the Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging at Radboud University in the Netherlands, then provided details of this prestigious project and outlined the expected novel insights into the human brain with the help of this MRI ultra-high technology.



Acquiring funding from the EU

Tomasz Dylag, PhD, Head of the Health Industry Sector at the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, gave an overview of the EU's Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) in the field of people-centered healthcare. He also discussed the future HORIZON 2025 WORKPROGRAM of the EU Challenge Health, which has not yet been published, but for which the first calls for proposals are expected soon when the future EU Commission is in office. He pointed out paths for relevant applications within the framework of EU-wide consortia and offered support in the further process, referring to the usual success rates.

The event concluded with a joint panel discussion on the topic of “Imaging and Intervention”, moderated by Prof. Dr. Oliver Speck. The participants discussed the preparation and chances of success of EU funding applications and had the opportunity to exchange views on the latest developments in imaging and interventional medical technology.


 Podiumsdiskussion in Brüssel (c) Landesvertretung

 Panel discussion on “Imaging and Intervention” at the Representation of Saxony-Anhalt to the EU in Brussels (Photo: Representation of Saxony-Anhalt)

The event was an important step towards strengthening scientific exchange at European level and positioning the STIMULATE research campus - with significant participation from the Magdeburg medtech SME Neoscan Solutions GmbH - as a leading center for medical image-guided minimally invasive interventions in Europe. With a view to future developments in the EU, it was considered by all those involved to be very target-oriented. STIMULATE is planning a similar event in Brussels in 2025 with a focus on computed tomography (CT) in conjunction with minimally invasive medical intervention.


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