“I was immediately inspired by the advertisement for a visiting professor in which sociological theory and empiricism were just as possible as a focus on interdisciplinarity and practical orientation,” recalls Dr. Tina Jung. Dr. Jung is the new “Marianne Schminder Visiting Professor with a partial focus on Gender Research”. “I know that from 1961 Marianne Schminder was Professor of Non-Metallic Materials in the Engineering Sciences at Magdeburg University of Technology, one of the predecessor institutions of today’s university. She obtained her doctorate in 1961 as the first doctoral student in the Institute of Materials Science and Testing, held several patents, and was heavily involved in teaching as well as in the Women’s Committee at the former TU. An interesting woman about whom there must certainly be more to say. Perhaps it could be a research project,” she suggests.
In her research and teaching, Dr. Jung addresses gender relations as a structural and power principle in society in the context of social and democratic change. She works on topics relating to health and gender politics, violence and gender, including in the context of human rights, care work, family and both (queer) feminist and critical social theories. Her range of subjects also includes aspects of political education and learning about democracy. Currently she is focusing on exploring the social and economic regulation of the obstetrics system as well as questions of self-determination and forms of control in obstetrics. Her research into the politics of reproduction is interdisciplinary, contemporary and focuses on both German and international developments.
The academic hopes to use her two-year visiting professorship in the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education to participate in teaching, the university and the region and to forge ahead with her research. This is something that she has extensively put into practice in the first few months of her stay. Dr. Jung has participated, among other things, with lectures in the interdisciplinary series of lectures presented by the university on the subjects of Gender Studies, Sustainability and Taboos, in the method workshop of the Center for Social World Research and Method Development (ZSM) and passed on her experiences to young female researchers at the “Ladies Night for Women in Engineering Sciences”, which highlights career paths for up-and-coming female academics. “I value the multifaceted cooperation and networking opportunities at the University of Magdeburg,” says Jung, “and am looking forward to the next joint events and projects here.” In addition, she is a member of the President’s Office Committee on Equality of Opportunity and Diversity and the Anti-Discrimination Working Group at the University of Magdeburg. Furthermore, she has also founded a reading group on Gender Studies and Feminist Movements in order to reinforce the substantive networking across all faculties on gender topics, saying “Anyone looking for detailed discussions in a friendly atmosphere is most welcome! New members can join at any time,” explains Dr. Jung.
The visiting professor sums up her goals by saying that she doesn’t just aim to address academics with her work. “Science has a responsibility to society. Which is why I also advocate for dialog in scientific practice, including when working with stakeholders from professional practice, politics and society, in Magdeburg and beyond.” For example, she has, under the aegis of the Working Group on Women's Health in Medicine, Psychotherapy and Society and in cooperation with midwifery, gynecological and parents’ associations, devised a science-based, practice-oriented continuing education unit on “Disrespect and Power in Obstetrics”, which can be viewed in video documentation form online in the “Disrespect and Power in Obstetrics: Forms, Consequences and Avoidance” specialist forum, from the Working Group on Women’s Health in Medicine, Psychotherapy and Society (Arbeitskreis Frauengesundheit in Medizin, Psychotherapie und Gesellschaft e. V.).
Dr. Tina Jung studied Political Science and Modern German Literature and Media Studies at the Philipps University of Marburg. During her studies, as well as in her subsequent scientific collaboration with the Research and Cooperation Center for Work, Democracy and Gender, she focused on gender research. As a scholarship holder, she worked in the interdisciplinary fellowship program, “Gender Relations in the Area of Conflict between Work, Organization and Democracy”, supported by the Hans Böckler Foundation. In 2016 she was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the field of Political Science with the classification of “summa cum laude”. Until moving to the University of Magdeburg, Dr. Jung worked as a Research Associate at the Justus Liebig University of Giessen where, among other things, she led several research projects. “I have received a very friendly welcome here in Magdeburg and find the students to be highly enthusiastic and interested. My colleagues helped me to find an apartment, and even that went well!”, she goes on to say. “I really like the city, which has a lot to offer.”